Monthly Archives: December 2009

It’s a book!

Got the first printout of The Physics of Success in book format yesterday, and getting another for myself.  What a tedious process!  That’s okay, it’s a book!  I already have several cosmetic suggestions, and I’ll take care of those today.  … Continue reading

Posted in Physics of Success, Uncategorized

Getting ready to print.

It’s getting to be time for the first print of The Physics of Success in 6″ x 9″ format.  I’ll run three copies: one for me to see how it reads, one for edit, and one for review.  The last hurdle … Continue reading

Posted in Physics of Success, Uncategorized

What goes on in my house!

This one was so obvious that I almost missed it.  The supply chain data centers for a Fortune 500 company that has global revenues exceeding $40 Bn per year, are managed from the downstairs office in my home.

Posted in Daily Miracles

Lost No More

We took Nick to his home in Athens.  Greg, who also lives in Athens is still on holiday and asked us to drop off his rent while we were there.  We punched in the address of the leasing company to … Continue reading

Posted in Daily Miracles

First Draft!

Okay, I just couldn’t let it be.  I plowed through the whole book, added all of the figures, cleaned up the formatting (first pass cleanup), and a few little tweaks.  Then I hit the ‘save’ button and backed it up … Continue reading

Posted in Physics of Success

Merry Christmas!

It was a lovely day.  Did a little work on The Physics of Success, mostly I got the hang of embedding the diagrams in the 6×9 trim format.  It’s coming right along!

Posted in Physics of Success

Signal to Noise

It’s an odd little thing, but I got up early, and finished reading the last Sandman, which I always regret.  The first gift of the day was Signal to Noise, by Gaiman/McKean.  What a nice lift!

Posted in Random Interesting Thoughts

The Physics of Success

It’s about time I started to write something down.  I’m starting the blog as a support function for the book, The Physics of Success: Getting the Car You Want from the Universe You Live In.  The book is in final … Continue reading

Posted in Physics of Success

Christmas Eve, 2009

I was able to check prices on new dampers for Alex’s Mustang, see if they were in stock at the local store, and buy them without leaving my desk, or even making a phone call.

Posted in Daily Miracles

Hello world!

Good morning!  I’m just getting this started, and wanted to put something other than the generic “edit me” messages.

Posted in Random Interesting Thoughts